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API Bank working hours during The Statehood Day

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work on Monday, February 17th, 2025, on the occasion of the national holiday - Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.

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Notice on the implementation of the NBS Decision on the temporary limitation of interest rates

We would like to inform you that API Bank is working on the implementation of temporary restrictions on interest rates for credit agreements concluded with the user - a natural person, in accordance with the Decision of the National Bank of Serbia.

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Working hours of API Bank during the New Year and Christmas holidays

We wish to inform you that API Bank will not be open on 01.01, 02.01, 06.01. and 07.01.2025. The first working day of correspondent banks in Russia is January 9, 2025. Working hours of the Bank on 31.12.2024. are until 12:00.

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API Bank working hours on Monday, November 11th, 2024

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work on Monday, November 11th, 2024, on the occasion of the national holiday of the Day of Reconciliation in the First World War.

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API Bank working hours during Labor Day and Easter holidays

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work from 01.05.2024. until 06.05.2024. The first working day after the holidays is May 7, 2024.

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API Bank working hours during The Statehood Day

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work on Thursday, February 15th and Friday, February 16th, 2024, on the national holiday - Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.

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Working hours of API Bank during the New Year and Christmas holidays

We wish to inform you that API Bank will be closed on 01.01.2024. and 02.01.2024. Bank working hours on 29.12.2023. until 14:00.

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Announcement of improvement of E-banking and M-banking services

With the aim of good cooperation and general improvement of your user experience, API Bank is pleased to announce improvement of E-banking and M-banking services.

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Great interest on term deposit savings!

In order to meet your expectations, we have also prepared attractive offers for saving in dinars and euros this year. Choose dinar savings for a period of 12 months, with an interest rate of 6% that the API Bank specifically gives to clients in the 6th year of its operations - through a promotional campaign until the end of January.

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Working hours of API Bank during the upcoming holidays

The non-working days during the Easter holidays will be April 14 and 17, and on the occasion of the International Labor Day, the Bank will not work on May 1 and 2, 2023.

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Interruption of API Bank's online services

We inform you that due to planned, regular system works, API Bank's mobile and internet application will be temporarily unavailable on Saturday, March 4, 2023. from 00:00 to 04:00.

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API Bank working hours during The Statehood Day

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work on Wednesday, February 15th and Thursday, February 16th, 2023, on the occasion of the national holiday - Statehood Day of the Republic of Serbia.

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Working hours of API Bank during the New Year and Christmas holidays

We wish to inform you that API Bank Belgrade will make international payments as usual, ending on 30.12.2022.

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3D Secure service at API Bank

All users of Visa payment cards issued by our Bank, are enabled to use a new, free 3D Secure service.

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API Bank’s mBanking application download

We inform you that on this API Bank website page you can download the Android application for mobile banking intended for the private individuals.

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API Bank working hours on November 11, 2022

We would like to inform you that API Bank will not work on Friday, November 11th, 2022, on the occasion of the national holiday of the Day of Reconciliation in the First World War.

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Notice regarding international payment transactions due to changes in correspondent banks

Due to changes in correspondent banks, international payment transactions can be performed through several correspondent banks depending on the currency.

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API Bank working hours during upcoming holidays

Notice of non-working days during the upcoming holidays.

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Notice of interruption of certain API Bank services

We would like to inform you that certain services of the Bank will be unavailable in the coming period.

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API Bank a.d. Belgrade continues to operate unhindered and remains a reliable partner to its clients

Having in mind the newly created geopolitical events, we hereby announce that API Bank a.d. Belgrade operates smoothly, in the regular business regime, providing its clients with a complete set of services without changes and restrictions.

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API Bank working time during the New Year and Christmas holidays

Dear Clients, Please be informed that during the period of Christmas and New Year holidays API Bank will process your payments as follows

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The oldest banking service - safe box

“Clients are advised to keep securities, jewellery, gold, precious metals, family heritage, documents’ originals. Safe boxes are not usually used to store money for an obvious reason - it is much more cost-effective to deposit money in savings and thus earn interest on it, than to leave it standing in the safe without any compensation.”

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New API Bank’s loans for foreigners, the opportunity for a quick and easy apartment purchase at a perfect location in Serbia!

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API Bank working hours during upcoming holidays

Dear Clients, we would like to inform you that during the upcoming holidays, the API Bank’s non-working days will be Friday, Monday and Tuesday.

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Notification of a spam campaign that abuses the email addresses of API Bank employees

An ongoing spam campaign that abuses the email addresses of API Bank employees.

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For your new life in Serbia

Only in API Bank - housing loans for non-residents

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API Bank working hours on national holiday - 15th  and 16th February, 2021

Please be informed, that on February 15th  and 16th , 2021,  is the official holiday in Serbia – the Statehood Day and the API Bank will not be working.

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Dear Customer, please be informed that during the period of Christmas and New Year holidays API Bank will process your payments as follows:

Dear Customer, please be informed that during the period of Christmas and New Year holidays API Bank will process your payments as follows:

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API Bank planted 40 young coniferous trees within the social responsible action "Tree for Belgrade"

Representatives of API Bank, within the action "Tree for Belgrade" on the initiative of the Mayor of Belgrade Dr. Zoran Radojičić, and together with the director of JKP Zelenilo Belgrade

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Pay with our Visa cards and enjoy numerous discounts during the holiday season

It is our pleasure to inform you that we have prepared special benefits for API Visa card users.

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API Bank working hours on November 11, 2020

We would like to inform you that API Bank, on the occasion of the national holiday of the Day of Reconciliation in the First World War, will not work on Wednesday, November 11th , 2020.

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Changes in the Board of Directors of API Bank

We would like to inform you that there have been changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of API Bank

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The power of Russian capital for safe savings

If you are looking for a stable and safe bank for your money, then our Bank is the real place for you. The Russian capital API Bank is backed by is a guarantee of long-term stability, which is something our clients have already witnessed. 

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Difficult operation of the API Bank service

We would like to inform you that due to the planned works, the API Bank service will be difficult to operate with and there will be a possible interruption that will last about 60 minutes.

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Tips for protecting your business computer

Before we start listing all the measures needed to protect your computer in order to perform secure transactions in digital banking, we consider it necessary to explain why we called this document "Business Computer Protection Tips".

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Niche players may have winning strategies - Interview with Marija Stepina, President of the EB of API Bank in the Guide to the Foreign Investors Council (FIC)

Here are is our recipe for success: big plans, investor’s support, smart team, healthy ambitions and reasonable realization schedule. It is a sufficient ground for organic and sustainable development in Serbia

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API Bank finalized the third subscription and payment of the VIII issue of shares in 2020

Today, September 3rd , API Bank Beograd has registered third shares issue in this year, increasing its capital by 360 million dinars.

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Normal functioning of the Bank's applications and services has been established

Our m-banking and e-banking applications, as well as certain services of the Bank were occasionally unavailable yesterday.

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Notice of mobile and internet application interruption

We would like to inform you that our mobile and internet application, as well as certain services of the Bank will be unavailable today from 12:30 pm for a longer period

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n accordance with the Decision of the National Bank of Serbia on temporary measures for banks for the purpose of mitigating the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to preserve the stability of the financial system

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API Bank Head office at the new location from August 3rd

API Bank Headquarter, from Monday, August 3, will start in new location. New address of API Bank is Kalemegdan Business Center, 6-8 Bulevar vojvode Bojovića, Belgrade.

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API Bank finalized the second subscription and payment of the VII issue of shares in 2020

API Bank continued to strengthen its capital base with a closing

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Notification of a phishing campaign that abuses the email addresses of API Bank employees

We would like to inform you that a phishing campaign is underway that abuses the email addresses

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New Member of the Board of Directors of API Bank appointed - Petr Rasocha

We would like to inform you that on 21/05/2020 changes occurred in the Board of Directors of API Bank

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API Bank finalized subscription and payment of VI shares issue

6/04/2020, API Bank has increased it’s share capital by 240,000,000 RSD

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API Bank working hours in the coming period

We would like to inform you that Friday 01 May, International Labor Day, is a non-working day of API Bank

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API Bank with healthcare professionals during pandemic

API Bank has supported medical workers with focused action, in which none of the professionals employed in health care institutions will pay any interest for overdrafts till the end of the year

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API Bank working hours during the Easter holidays

During the upcoming Easter holidays, the API Bank's non-working days will be from Friday, April 17th to Monday, April 20th

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New Member of the Board of Directors of API Bank Branislav Ristić appointed

We would like to inform you that on 30/03/2020 changes occurred in the Board of Directors of API Bank

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Bank is hereby offering the possibility of a repayment standstill for your obligations towards the Bank

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API Bank announces that it will start on Monday, March 23, 2020. temporarily change working hours of its branches: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9am to 3pm

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Notice to customers

In accordance with the recommendations of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, API Bank has taken the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus

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API Bank working hours on February 17, 2020

Please be informed, that February 17, 2020 is the official holiday in Serbia and the Bank will not be working.

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API Bank working hours during Christmas and New Year holidays

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API Bank's First Anniversary Celebrated

API Bank has celebrated its anniversary and on this occasion we announce the speech transcript of President of the Executive Board, Marija Stepina

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Super charge your savings - Serbian dinar is the deal of the year!

API Bank launches new super offer for our International Clients – deposit in Serbian dinars with attractive interest rate.

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New API Bank website launched - now it’s easier to get in touch

As a continuation of the rebranding process, API Bank launched a new website appearance, designed in line with the latest design trends

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Statement by the President of the Executive Board of API Bank Marija Stepina about business results in 2018

2018 was a year that brought important changes to API Bank. On July 25 the bank changed the owner. The new shareholder is a private person from Russia Mr. Shlyakhovoy.

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Business hours during the upcoming holidays

Business hours during the upcoming holidays...

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API Bank joined the instant payment system on October 22

API Bank joined the instant payment system on October 22.This system vastly mitigates clients’ execution of payment transactions.

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VTB Bank JSC Belgrade to change its name to API Bank JSC

October 19, 2018, Belgrade. – Belgrade based VTB Bank has changed its name to API Bank (full name API Bank JSC Belgrade) following its acquisition by AZRS Invest doo owned by Mr. Andrey Shlyakhovoy on July 25, 2018.

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Simply. API mBank.

The API mBank is available 24/7 every day from all the world’s meridians!

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